ADA Website Compliance Requirements in Mexico!

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
ADA Compliance Mexico

Information and communication technology has become inevitable for people. In this digital era, websites and applications are the key mediums to access information, services, and opportunities. Without complete digital access, businesses can't innovate, reach, and grow. It is also crucial for countries’ economic growth.

Thus, 墨西哥正在制定其网络可访问性标准,以确保其公民和经济增长的最大可访问性. 中小型企业可以通过在其系统中包含可访问性而受益于更多的用户参与.

墨西哥已经开始采取重要措施,通过承认每个人都能平等获得数字信息的重要性,来改善和维持其数字存在. If you are operating a website/application in Mexico, it is not only your moral duty but legal obligation to own an accessible website.

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《pg电子竞技》(LGIPD)是墨西哥关于无障碍法规的主要法律. The law was published on May 30th, 2011, and last revised on December 12th, 2015. LGIPD是根据墨西哥合众国政治宪法第1条制定的, which focuses on prioritizing the human rights of all Mexicans. The law was made in the observation of the National Council of Human Rights.


Chapter 10, Article 32, 墨西哥无障碍法第一节要求当局应侧重于一些无障碍措施, such as:


Promote Mexican Sign Language usage including the Braille System.

Institutions that are directly connected to social services and programs, 必须提供信息和必要的建议,以支持残疾用户的发展和社会融合.


负责监管电信服务的墨西哥政府机构(联邦电信研究所- IFT)于2016年11月发布了新的《pg电子竞技》. 该指导方针有一系列服务提供者和公司应该遵循的行动,以提供平等的信息和服务机会.

第24条订明,营办商及授权电讯服务机构应促进人人(包括残疾人士)取得及使用电讯服务. They must comply with WCAG's latest standards’ conformance level AA, which implies all documents, videos, guides, and/or tutorials must be accessible as per suggested guidelines.

In July 2014, IFT在联邦通信和广播法(LFTR)第161条中强制要求电视频道在视频中加入字幕,以改善听力问题用户的可访问性.

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The Reason behind the profound level of inaccessibility in the state!

The Web accessibility guidelines are still underdeveloped in Mexico, but the broader legal framework prioritizes digital inclusivity. As mentioned above, telecommunication and ICT services must be accessible to everyone; however, the law doesn’t contain whole information about website guidelines, it prioritizes the significance of ensuring accessible digital content.

Legal consequences for non-compliance

尽管墨西哥在关注网络可访问性的数字立法方面远远落后于其他州, 所有组织都应该遵守推荐的法律和指导方针,以实现包容性. 如果一个组织被发现在数字领域不遵守或故意歧视残疾用户, it might end up facing lawsuits or penalties.

Moreover, 对数字产品日益增长的依赖使得组织必须遵守可访问性法律来维护其品牌声誉. 不可访问性可能导致用户粘性降低,最终导致转化率下降. Thus, achieving accessibility is anyways in favor of organizations.

Path to achieving web accessibility in Mexico!

To ensure website accessibility,

  • Inclusive web design is mandatory.


  • Accessibility maintenance is required.

    To maintain web accessibility, regular website audit, testing, and remediation are expected to be done. Automated tools and manual checks can be done to perform audit and testing.

  • Common mistakes need extra vigilance.

    Most websites contain errors like missing alt text and/or closed captioning, or improper keyboard navigation. These are the common but significant problems behind website inaccessibility.

  • More awareness is needed.

    Train and educate more workforce about accessibility and its importance. It will help improve the situation.

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Wrapping up

墨西哥致力于将网络无障碍纳入其中,以创建一个包容性的数字社会. The underdevelopment regulations will have complete clarity sooner. 到那时,组织需要将最新版本的WCAG AA级应用于其核心. 一旦组织接受了可访问性指南并维护了他们的网站, then web accessibility will not be only a legal obligation, it will be a stride toward digital inclusion.

Skynet Technologies, 作为国际无障碍专业人员协会(IAAP)的准会员和W3C公认的参与者,我们为自己对全球无障碍社区的宝贵贡献感到无比自豪.

无论您是需要快速的可访问性改进还是需要对您的网站可访问性进行彻底检查, you can count on us to meet your requirements. The range of services we provide covers every aspect of ADA website accessibility services ,包括设计、审核、咨询、补救、支持和持续维护.

Reach out at [email protected] or request an ADA website accessibility quote . 我们的使命是帮助您提高数字存在的可访问性,并改善所有人的包容性.