
By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
ADA Compliance Kansas

当整个世界都在努力实现其数字产品和服务的最大可访问性时, Kansas is also taking it seriously. Keeping its citizens with disabilities in mind, 堪萨斯州已经制定了其信息和通信技术无障碍标准,称为ITEC(信息技术执行委员会)1210. 该标准确保全州所有网站和应用程序的可访问性和可用性,以及基于1973年康复法案第508节的标准 WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) 2.0 conformance level A and AA.

Kansas State has made it essential for each ICT product and service that is procured, developed, maintained, 和/或由国家实体使用-包括内部建造或根据合同条款开发的(由第三方供应商提供给国家实体)-符合修订后的508标准.

Kansas ICET Policy 1210 history

The Information and Communication Technology Policy came into effect on October 26, 2000, in Kansas state. 该政策的主要目的是消除所有国家网站和应用程序的无障碍障碍,使残疾人能够在没有任何人帮助的情况下访问在线信息.

Policy 1210 was revised several times after its adoption:

Version 1.1.1 – revised on October 26, 2006.

Version 1.1.2 – revised on April 23, 2009.

Version 2.0 – The final revision (current version) was revised on October 23, 2010, which had an 18-month rollout period. Thus, it came into effect on May 23, 2012.


Requirements of Information and Communication Technology Policy

堪萨斯州信息通信技术无障碍标准主要基于1973年康复法案第508节和WCAG 2修订的指导方针.0 (as written above). 本政策文本的某些部分全部或部分摘自Section 508标准36c.F.R. Part of 1194.

Section 508 standards are not completely adopted into Kansas ICT policy. Some modifications have been made to adapt the standards as per Kansas resources and needs. 所有的州实体都应该遵守这些修改后的标准,以符合堪萨斯州的要求.

According to section 7.1 of the ICT policy, 所有国家实体必须在政策公布之日起18个月内(即5月23日)遵守规定的要求, 2012).

Moreover, 符合信息和通信技术政策1201修订2的现有ICT的任何组件或部分不需要为符合第508条或第7条规定的其他标准而进行修改.2.

Public safety systems are exempted from these standards. 如果ICT部件或组件仅由权威人员用于维护或监控目的, such parts shall not be required to conform to defined standards.

如果遵守要求会对实体造成不应有的负担,或会导致信息和通信技术性质的根本改变, entities may request an exception. 州协调员和信息技术无障碍主管审查请求,如果请求是真实的,则批准例外.

Also, if some of the parts do not conform to the requirements of ICT policy, or they come under undue burden, 然后,实体必须为残疾人提供访问和使用该部件的替代选项.


When state entities develop, maintain, use, or procure an ICT, 他们必须考虑残疾用户的需求,以了解这些用户将如何执行这些功能.

Every electronic content, even if it is not public facing, shall comply with the accessibility requirements. If such content is used for business purposes and is communicated for emergency notification, an internal or external program announcement, a notice on some crucial information, a survey questionnaire, forms, study materials, etc., then the content is required to be accessible.


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How to ensure accessibility to all ICT products and services?

第一步是评估网站/应用程序的合规性,并找出所需补救措施的范围. 列出所有内容的清单,了解你拥有的内容类型,这样你就知道哪些内容需要处理. Once you determine the nature and extent of your web content, start diagnosing the accessibility issues that are hampering your web pages’ usability. Accordingly, decide what remediation is required.

在对内容进行评估并对符合ITC政策1210的补救过程进行优先排序之后, start curating information to develop a proper remediation plan. The plan must consider your assessment of content and remediation requirements. Also, 考虑可用的资源,采取具体步骤,在指定的时间内实现可访问性. Consider undue burden while remediating the web pages.

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一旦您的网站或应用程序符合堪萨斯州ITC政策1210的可访问性要求, maintaining it is crucial. 您的web开发伙伴可以帮助您修复网站,然后按照推荐的可访问性标准维护其可访问性.


Skynet Technologies is proud W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) and IAAP (International Association of Accessibility Professionals) member and a part of the global accessibility community to stay up to date with compliance guidelines.

Whether you require quick enhancements or a comprehensive overhaul of your website accessibility, rest assured that we can meet your needs. We offer full-service website accessibility remediation solutions, including design, audit, consulting, remediation, maintenance, support, and ongoing monitoring. We aim to make your digital presence accessible to all, ensuring inclusivity. Email at [email protected] or request an ADA website accessibility remediation quote .